The Diversity Charter aims to develop the directives adopted by the European Union in 2000 on equality and non-discrimination in public and private organizations.
This year, the Charter was signed electronically and, although all GrupoSepro companies signed the membership agreement in February, the institutional event in which we had the opportunity to participate took place on November 12.
The Diversity Charter is a letter/code of commitment that companies and institutions of the same country, regardless of their size, sign on a voluntary basis to promote their engagement with the fundamental principles of equality, the promotion of diversity, and non-discrimination.
At SeproTec Multilingual Solutions, as a voluntarily signatory of the Diversity Charter, we respect the current regulations on equal opportunity and anti-discrimination, and we commit ourselves to the following basic principles:
• Raising awareness about the principles of equal opportunity and respect for diversity, including them as company values, and sharing them with our staff.
• Continuing to build a diverse workforce, promoting the hiring of professionals with diverse profiles, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, disability, or any other personal or social circumstance.
• Promoting inclusion, encouraging effective on-boarding, avoiding any type of discrimination (direct or indirect) at work.
• Taking diversity into account in all human resources policies, managing diversity across the entire company, as the basis of and principle guiding all decisions made in this area.
• Promoting a work-life balance, establishing mechanisms to make our staff’s work more compatible with their family and personal lives.
• Recognizing the diversity of our customers, and leveraging that diversity as a source of innovation and development.
• Sharing this commitment with and among the staff and making it the responsibility of the entire company to adhere to the principles to which the organization is committing itself as a signatory of the Diversity Charter.
• Sharing the commitment with our supplier companies, inviting them to join the community of companies in Spain that have taken on the voluntary commitment promoted by the Charter.
• Sharing this commitment with administrations, business organizations, unions, and other institutions.
• Including activities to support non-discrimination, as well as the results obtained by implementing diversity policies in the company’s annual report.