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  • Proofreading and Revision Services

    More Quality for Your Content

    Improve your writing and content creation by relying on an expert to make your content linguistically and culturally accurate in 220 languages.

    Proofreading and Revision Services


    About Our Proofreading and Revision Services

    Anyone who writes and creates texts is probably familiar with the old adage: the devil is in the details. Producing high-quality content and translations therefore often require a second pair of eyes, especially if you have not created the content in your mother tongue.

    Having your own content such as academic papers, brochures, web content or other texts that you want to publish checked by a multilingual content provider such as Seprotec can therefore be a great added value.

    Be it to assure translation quality or grammatical and stylistic accuracy of original texts written in your native or a foreign language such as English.

    Our large team of professional translators, proofreaders, and experienced editors enables us to provide linguistic support in 220 languages and a variety of different subject areas and text types. Helping to improve your document quality and readability so that your content becomes your “business card”.

    With our services in the field of quality assurance (QA), revision and proofreading, you can ensure that your translations and texts are linguistically correct, follow your style guides, and are comprehensible to your target audience.

    • With our professional monolingual editing and proofreading services, you can improve the quality of your writing or translations thanks to our experienced proofreaders. By critically reading and identifying punctuation errors or grammar mistakes, for example, we make sure that your content is linguistically correct and the overall reading flow is improved. For consistent use of corporate language, texts can also be harmonized with your corporate style guides.
    • With our revision and bilingual editing services you can take your translation quality to the next level. Being proficient in both languages and cultures our expert editors compare both texts to make sure that the information was conveyed correctly during the translation process and there are no punctuation mistakes or grammar errors.
    • Make sure that your target texts are also formally correct. As a last step of the standard translation and localization workflow, our QA team conducts a non-linguistic check of the target against the source examines formal aspects like number or completeness of the text.

    Key Benefits

    Technically and stylistically flawless content

    Technically and stylistically flawless content

    Benefit from linguistically and culturally accurate content without e.g. typos or punctuation errors - for better overall quality.

    Address your target audience

    Address your target audience

    Attract your target audience with easy-to-read texts that enhance the flow and build trust through natural and fluent language.

    Consistent corporate language

    Consistent corporate language

    Empower your brand identity by making sure that your guidelines and terminology are correctly incorporated in your mono- and multilingual content.

    Improve your writing and content creation by relying on an expert to make your content linguistically and culturally accurate in 220 languages.

    Why Choose Seprotec?

    Seprotec has over 25 years of experience in providing multilingual services having build an expert team of industry specialists that provide a wide range of services for a variety of industries.

    • A team of qualified translators and who specialize in various fields with extensive experience in translating technical documents for a wide range of industries.

    • Certified quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 and 17100 standards along with additional quality measures, including careful employee selection and monitoring.

    • One-stop solutions for all your multilingual content needs covering everything from translation services to website or software localization or desktop publishing (DTP).

    • Flexible and cost-effective solutions that integrate seamlessly into your existing processes and technology infrastructure.

    • We provide our customers with a dedicated team of account managers who take care of all their multilingual needs - for the best possible customer service.

    • Strict security measures in line with ISO 27001 standards to safeguard the security and availability of your data and to protect your technical documents.

    Highlighted Services


    Languages We Translate

    Seprotec Multilingual Solutions is a full-service translation, localization, and interpreting company. We translate, localize, and interpret into and from over 220 languages, including all the major European, Asian, American, African, Indian, and Middle Eastern languages.

    Rest assured that your translation projects are in good hands with us, and you will receive the necessary attestations once the translation is complete.


    Seprotec provides ISO certified proofreading services for leading companies in several industries. As part of our commitment to guaranteeing the quality of our services, and mindful of the importance of the environment we have, in all of our activities, applied a Comprehensive Quality and Environment Policy, which is the basis of our management system.

    Our efforts have been recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and awarded certifications under the requirements of the following standards: ISO 9001 (Quality Management); ISO 17100, which is specific to translation services; ISO 18587, specific to machine translation post-editing; ISO 13485, specific to medical devices; ISO 14001 for environmental management, and ISO 27001 for information security management systems.

    ISO Learn More
    Seprotec’s Translation Quality

    Our Client’s Opinion is Our Best Cover Letter

    “We know we can always count on them. We have received top quality work and excellent service on every project we have requested.
    There is something else we consider very important: they are very dedicated and always deliver the job when promised. Many of our suppliers should follow their example.Thank you, SeproTec."


     Frequently Asked Questions

    • What are proofreading services?

      Professional proofreading involves an experienced proofreader who is knowledgeable in the language and relevant subject field carefully reviewing a manuscript or other written texts for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, syntax, and overall readability. This process also includes making sure that the document follows the company’s style guidelines or general scientific standards, such as APA format for academic writing. Professional editors offer proofreading and editing services for a wide range of content and business documents, improving the quality of the source text through corrections.

    • What are revision services?

      A revision or editing is a process where bilingual texts are compared by a linguist that is knowledgeable in the relevant subject field to ensure that the source and target texts contain the same information. This is relevant, for example, when a text has been translated.

      It usually involves experienced professionals who are proficient in both languages and cultures revising the texts to ensure that the message of the source is conveyed correctly, there are no typographical errors and terminology is consistent.

      This process is also defined in the ISO 17100 standard, which specifies requirements for translations to ensure their quality.

    • Are revision and proofreading the same thing?

      Both services are often used interchangeably, but they are actually quite different. But what’s the difference? Proofreading is a monolingual linguistic check of a text or translation. The proofreader is a native speaker and a specialist in the subject field like electrical engineering to make sure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors, the style and tone is consistent with a corporate style guide, and appeals to the target audience.

      Revision or review on the other hand is a bilingual comparison of the target against the source text. It is usually conducted by a professional linguist, who is a native speaker in the target and proficient in the source language, and is knowledgeable in the subject field. The objective of a review is basically to make sure that the information was conveyed correctly in the translation process and the text is grammatically and stylistically accurate.

      As an expert in the field of providing multilingual solutions, Seprotec has an extensive network of professionals providing services in a variety of subject field and text types.

    • How much does a proofreading cost?

      The costs for professional proofreading can vary and depend on several factors like the language (or the language pair in case of a revision), text type, subject area and service level. The basis for pricing is, however, generally a price per hour. On rare occasions costs are calculated per source word/line or page.

      If you would like to find out the price for a specific document, please contact us and we will provide you with a free, non-binding quote.

    • How long does it take to proofread 1,000 words?

      The turnaround time for a proofreading usually depends on the availability of the right resources, the complexity of the text, and the aspects that need to be checked (grammar and style, compliance with the corporate style guidelines, etc.).

      In principle, professionals can proofread 8,000 words a day. Accordingly, they need roughly one hour for 1,000 words. However, as already mentioned, this can vary greatly and proofreading can take much longer or be much faster.


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