Proofreading and editing are crucial to quality writing. A bad translation or badly written text can create many problems. This is why we work with language professionals trained in proofreading and editing texts and specialized in different knowledge fields.

SeproTec's proofreading service is tailored to the needs of each client, but here are some of the most highly solicited services:
- Bilingual Editing:
Sometimes clients have texts that are already translated and they want to check the translation quality and make sure, for example, that the same information is conveyed as in the original text and the style used is appropriate. Editing jobs like this require the translated version to be meticulously compared and contrasted with the original version. SeproTec editors are professional native speakers of the target language with fluency in both the language and culture of the source text.

- Proofreading:
Spelling, typographic and grammatical errors spoil even an exceptionally accurate translation, so it is vital that a language professional proofread and correct any mistakes that may turn up in a text to ensure maximum quality.

- Standard Editing:
In this kind of editing the editor is sent a single original document and ensures that it is correct and consistent, well-structured and appropriate for the target audience, and that it does not hurt the image of the company behind the content. In a good editing job the original author's style is not altered, but language may be changed for the purpose of clarifying potential ambiguities or misunderstandings.

Thanks to our professional proofreading & editing service clients can rest easy in the knowledge that readers will understand exactly what the author wants to convey.