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  • Seamless Multilingual Workflow Integration with Advanced PIM System

    We collaborated with a major player in machine tools and laser technology to incorporate a new Product Information Management (PIM) system into their translation management procedures. Through automation and professional consulting, the project ensured effective multilingual content generation and approval, improving operational efficiency and upholding high quality standards.

    基本数据保护信息 - 根据 GDPR,SEPROTEC TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN, S.L.U. 将处理您所提供的数据,用于管理现有招聘流程,并使您能够参与其中。在适用的情况下,您的个人数据将发送给 Seprotec Multilingual Solutions 旗下其他公司。您可以选择行使访问、更正、删除的权利,以及上述规定中承认的任何其他权利。如需进一步了解我们如何处理您的数据,请参阅我们的隐私政策




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    Remember, we’re always committed to helping you Connect, Transmit, and Protect your content with global impact.